Tag Archives | “talent gap”

Five Steps to Attract TOP Passive Talent

Dilbert’s creator Scott Adams said “Before I became a successful cartoonist, I failed at dozens of ventures, including a corporate career and a number of inventions.”  He later learned that rather than focus on traditional goals, he found being excellent at something didn’t guarantee being successful. He rather focused on a system that when applied […]

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“The growing global talent gap” – I bristle in disagreement!

[25+ years as a Professional Recruiter refutes this popular excuse.  The GAP exists in effective hiring!] “The growing global talent gap” by @DavidBrudenell on @LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140714134101-2604712-the-growing-global-talent-gap I unapologetically bristle every time I see “Talent Gap” or ‘Skills Gap” mentioned in the context of holding back corporate productivity and growth.  Like ‘Global Warming”, it is not a […]

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