Executive Search
Professional Placement
Staffing Consulting

Over 30 years building industry relationships
in Information Technology drive our
performance recruiting for key people.


Our target clients are comprised of bright, hardworking, innovative, and team-oriented people. Those organizations value people as an important resource, reward risks, and create policies and an environment to attract and retain the best available talent. Systems are valued as a competitive advantage. If, for example, there are 10 sets of skills desired for an open position, requirements will be put in priority: 6-7 necessary to be successful, 3-4 that can be learned or grown. Our candidate will fit that profile, be affordable, and motivated to learn and contribute. Exclusive assignments may have a tighter profile match, but will bear a market compensation package. We will ask enough questions to interest a candidate who is otherwise not looking to move. Use of our “Job Specification Grid” is encouraged.

We have above-average market knowledge and a legacy of long-term industry relationships. We work with the best people we can find to extend our network. Original research is applied to most projects, and always engaged when retained in an exclusive assignment. Candidates are screened for the logical growth into the assigned position and presented as available and interested as soon as they are qualified and an effective resume prepared. Frequently the fit is close enough to present only 1-2 candidates. Franklin Key Associates presents candidates on a “most qualified” basis irrespective of age, sex, race, religion, or national origin in accordance with all applicable State and Federal statutes.

Our goal is to facilitate the most accurate “read” of a candidate’s fit for the position and organizational culture. Each interviewer should use a commonly defined “Job Specification Grid“. We deliver and expect feedback within 24 business hours of the interview. Thorough feedback from both parties helps us refocus if necessary while maintaining the interest of qualified candidates in a “fast” market.

Our goal is to deliver the most qualified candidate at a fair compensation. We assist the candidate in evaluating all attributes of the position-salary being the last. Having worked closely with the candidate in a trusted relationship, we prefer to present the offer only after all non-compensation issues are resolved. We earn our fee not for presenting candidates you want to hire, but for delivering a productive new employee.

Change for anyone is not always easy. We stay involved through resignations, counter offers, notice periods, and the new hire’s probationary timeframe. As human resource consultants, we know that productivity is highest when both employer and employee are happy.